Guest Post in Manufacturing.Net: What to look for in an inventory management app

Guest Post in Manufacturing.Net: What to look for in an inventory management app

When implemented correctly, automated replenishment systems help guard against being over-stocked or under supplied.

With the significant disruption in the supply chain this past year, many companies are looking to invest in technologies that will automate replenishment, management and optimization of their inventory. They want an app that squeezes every bit of cash out of inventory without affecting service levels, so they can manage orders easily without either overstocking or running out of stock.

This goal is possible when you invest in technology that automatically replenishes inventory from multiple vendors based on actual usage data, not on complicated algorithms or predictions. The advantage of an automated replenishment system is that quantities, usage and demand are constantly monitored, taking the task out of human hands and automating the process.

For tips on what to look for in an inventory management or automated inventory replenishment app, read the full article by Rock Rockwell here.

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Auto-Replenishment MRO Distribution Manufacturing