eTurns TrackStock provides EMS agencies with automated par restocking, as well as email alerts for scheduled vehicle maintenance and device calibration

Use our mobile EMS inventory app to scan items you want to order, count or use. eTurns will track usage, help you set par levels, and trigger digital orders to any supplier for replenishment. Avoid stockouts and get powerful reports.

  • Provides real-time visibility wherever mission-critical inventory is stored
  • Creates electronic records for increased accountability and decreased liability

"We were using a completely manual process that led to a stockroom filled with unused supplies and lots of stuff expiring. Switching to eTurns demonstrated significant change in a short period of time. The value of our inventory on hand was north of $75,000 when we started using the system; now we have around $20,000 sitting on the shelves. The drain on my time has been significantly reduced and continues to improve."

— Brian Galowitz, Minnesota Operations Manager
Lakes Region EMS